Top Ways to Optimize and Monetize Website – Part 1
Ad Spacing: Since majority ad networking agencies like Google Adsense are supporting PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising method, placing your ads on eye catching locations is a best idea.
Technology Blog
You could read about Usable productivity skills for New Freelancers here before going through this post.
If you are an Android developer with creativity, you can earn some money by creating apps and hosting it at Google’s Android Play store. Yeah! Many developers are creating apps and earning descend money with them. This is why 60% of apps are free on playstore and many other app stores.
When it comes to balancing your daily activities, freelancing is completely different than having a regular job. The reason why freelancing experience is unique is because you are responsible for your own work schedule and productivity. The possibility of how you are supposed to spend your time is tasking. Balancing working schedule, catching emails and organizing information is your responsibility. Normal employment is done during stipulated hours and workload is predetermined and assigned. Working as a freelancer, you need to work harder than before, work smart, pay attention and work away from detractors. Arranging your work to start with what matters most is the way to go. The following are usable productive skills:
Knowing that you will never be perfect is the way to go. The idea that you are not a machine need to rule your undertaking so as not to kill yourself when things do not work as planned. The perspective will pave way for new resolution to help meet set personal target. The fact that the body needs relaxation should rule working routine so as to avoid collisions with personal life.
It is credible to set your own deadlines to guide you to productive time management. When clients send you task it will be wise to send an email back stating when you are going to send the task. Setting the date implies elements of professionalism. Setting deadlines is also an incentive of working smart. Without deadline less work is likely to be accomplished. It is imperative to set genuine deadlines so as not to give yourself less time or more time. Less time will compromise quality and more time will preclude elements of laziness.
At the beginning of the week it is credible to have a list of what you are planning to accomplish within the next seven days. The list will set forth clear mind when working without repeated notions that you have forgotten something. Mark tasks already done to make the list look manageable. Long list of undone tasks will develop incidences of fear. Having a layout of what ought to be done is crucial for productive time management. When working, avoid turning the to-do list to want to do list. New tasks that come up should be written in a separate list to help avoid incidences of having unending list.
Have a clear understanding of how many hours you spend working. If you are working too many hours you need to cut them down to manageable hours. If not working enough hours, set aside more time to help improve your working paradigm. Tracking working hours makes it possible to identify productive hours. Knowing how many hours you work will make it possible when calculating your hourly rate by dividing weekly earnings by the weekly working hours.
When productivity becomes a routine, you will never feel overwhelmed by demanding tasks. An overwhelming habit is that which follows a clear structure of a routine. Habit of focusing on the client’s work in the morning and doing other chores in the afternoon is credible. Setting time frames as per the intensity of the work defines habituation. Having your mind set for productive utilization of time is a credible undertaking. Setting aside time for client’s project is also another working routine. The fact that client projects are demanding should be radiated as per information required. Balancing personal life procedures and doing client projects should take the paradigm of a routine. It has to be in the to-do list to manifest interest of attaching productive time to productive task.
Starting your day with tasks you list want to do will build morale of doing other tasking tasks. Starting your day earlier makes it possible to utilize productive early morning hours before fatigue sets in. Doing tasks you least want to do in the morning makes it possible for interest development and motivation as well. Doing away with tasking and unwelcoming tasks in the morning sets forth ground for productive undertaking during the day.
Always set aside time for relaxation. Too much work will lead to fatigue and poor reasoning. Spend time out of busy working schedule for physical exercise and always aspire to accord your body rest.
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Improve Adsense Earning |
CPC (Cost Per Click) is the amount credited to your adsense when a click is generated from your website. That means, if you have high CPC, you will get paid soon for few clicks and if you have a low CPC rate, you have to wait for lots of clicks. CPC is not a constant rate. Adsense CPC always changes according to lots of factors say, Traffic, country, ad unit size, ad unit position etc.
CPC commonly starts from $0.01. ie, getting $0.01 – $0.04 for single click is not good.
Increasing Adsense CPC is a dream of all adsense publishers but many of them don’t know how. But the funny thing is, Google itself provides the ways to increase your CPC in their adsense support pages. Here are some tips that can implement.
Blog niche is one of the important factor which effects the CPC. There are some blog ideas that internet users always wants. Selecting any of this will helps you to get more traffic and increment of CPC because competition for ad units in such blogs are high on Adwords. Blog niches which pays more are:
And many more… for complete list, Just Google “High paying Adsense Keywords“.
The important thing is, You must be able to write unique and useful contents about that topic.
Country Targeting is another most important factor. Clicks generated from developed countries can pay you more $$. Clicks from developing and poor country just pays some pennies only. So don’t do focus for such countries.Always write for developed countries or write about global topics. The reason behind this is, advertisers from developed countries would pay more. And digital marketing is not much popular in developing countries.
Use Recommended Ad sizes is important for getting more clicks and more CPC also. While creating ad units from Adsense, you can find that, Google have picked some ad sizes as Recommended ad Units. Adsense will pay more this sizes and they are eye catching large sizes also.
Use Minimum Ad units in single page Adding more and more ad units in a single page causes low earning only. You may get many clicks but the CPC will be low. I recommend to use only one Ad unit and two if the content is too lengthy only. This is because, If you have two or three ad units, the competition for you ad units will be lesser in Adwords.
SEO have a great role to earn you more and more $$$. SEO helps you to get more traffic for you website and a good SEO website will get more CPC because Google crawls can catch up relevant ads for you site.
Follow the Rules is very important and strict while using adsense. It should be always in your mind that, you can’t cheat the internet giant Google. They can trace you easily. You can get the full T&C from Adsense itself. You will get banned is any illegal activities found because, Google also makes importance for Advertisers interests also.
Sharing web address is a common thing in internet. you may share address of a download link, favorite video clips, or may be some stuff for education. Some of these address should be very large right?
But you know, these address can be shorten using some web services and if anyone visits this link, you will be get paid. Excited? they are not mad to give you free money. Whenever you shorten a web address, they will also put some advertisements in that page. They are actually paying for these ads.
SEOclerks [Click Image to Join] |
Searching for methods to earn money online? Writing eBooks and selling it online is also a good way to earn money. Start writing your eBook in your expertise topic and Techie Feeds now introduces the place to showcase and sell it in the Internet.
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