We all are familiar with files and folder’s on computer. We probably saves relevant files in folder’s, Drives, or even in desktop. And also every OS including windows and Linux versions provides the facility to remove/delete unwanted files.
While taking Windows, the deleted files should not be deleted permanently from the hard disk. Actually it’s a fecility provided by the widows ( other OS too ) to protect users missing their important files by careless. But unfortunately many of people not care such things or have no idea about it. And it leads to many problems such as misusing confidential files, recollecting personal files while servicing etc.
So today we are discussing about the ways to delete such files permanently. It can do with four simple steps.
While taking Windows, the deleted files should not be deleted permanently from the hard disk. Actually it’s a fecility provided by the widows ( other OS too ) to protect users missing their important files by careless. But unfortunately many of people not care such things or have no idea about it. And it leads to many problems such as misusing confidential files, recollecting personal files while servicing etc.
So today we are discussing about the ways to delete such files permanently. It can do with four simple steps.
Step 1
Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > Run.
Or simple press ” Win + R” key combination.
Step 2
Type CMD on it.
Step 3
Step 4
!!Yeah!! you have done almost!. Close all applications you have opened and press enter.
If you have any doubts/comments on above post, Feel free to add it as comment below 🙂
Thanks for reading and sharing 🙂
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